Monday, January 24, 2011

President Obama has appointed CEO of GE, Jeffrey Immelt as head of the President’s Advisory Board. It is an attempt to reach out toward businesses and his poll numbers are in fact sharply Independents. 58% do and 40 % don’t in fact feel that Obama understands the problems of this country, a really solid high for him. That said, you’ve got to say, gee whiz GE, because they did take billions of dollars from the Fed in the bailout, they do have most of their profitable subsidiaries offshore and wind up getting a huge tax refund. But we want to hope for the best and we believe that GE Chairman, Jeffrey Immelt will be loyal to his job and his president and who knows maybe even loyal enough to keep some more jobs here and pay some more honest taxes. So we are going to hold up on saying; oh, gee GE and see what happens.

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