Thursday, March 10, 2011

Here’s the latest result of the NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll; 79% of Americans think that government workers should have the same collective bargaining rights as unions and only 19% say no. They however feel that workers should contribute in the following ways; 68% feel that contributions should be made to raise their retirement, 63% said they should raise their healthcare contributions and 58% said one year salary freeze. The poll continues; how to balance deficits, the most unacceptable ways they say are cutting Medicare, Social Security, and kindergarten through 12th grade education. And the most acceptable ways are eliminating tax credits for oil and gas industries, eliminating earmarks for congress. And the number one most acceptable way would be going out the millionaire tax. Well you weren’t paying attention folks because not enough of you voted in the last election. But I think your heart’s in the right direction. It does show that the Tea Party people are polls apart from reason. 

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