Friday, December 26, 2014

Another smart thing about the smart gun

The smart gun is a weapon that can ONLY be fired by a specific person (or persons) due to an imprinting process. So here's one more smart thing about the smart gun, if someone is murdered by one, its easy to identify the suspect. So why then is the NRA against smart guns? Because they are the NRA.

Monday, December 22, 2014

The awful complexity of murder

That was a horrible horrible awful thing what happened to those policemen in Brooklyn. And that's why say this issue has so many many many sides. I know I don't have the answers, it's taken me all this time just to compile a list of the questions.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Cruz outa control

Ted Cruz has "apologized" to Republicans for "ruining their weekend". Apparently Democrats are not people who have weekends as well, but  it turns out that Republicans are still not particularly happy with him. Apparently  their smooth agenda was not exactly on Cruz control (forgive us, sorta kinda) but to paraphrase/quote an ancient Hebrew parable: " if it weren't their fool, they could laugh too."

Monday, December 15, 2014

America the beautiful, America the ironic

It seems like it's always the draft dodgers, the guys who wanted to do everything in the Vietnam war except actually participate in it who are the "roughest and toughest ". Defending our policy of “enhanced interrogation" are Senator Saxby Chambliss and former Vice President Dick Cheney, who have multiple deferments between them. Against torture of any kind is volunteer war hero Senator John McCain, he who has never backed off from that stance one iota, as he knows firsthand just how that stuff "works out".  Mr. McCain’s kind of honor gives even more credence to the phrase “America the beautiful”. So then isn't it interesting that Israel, which the Republican right claims to so fervently admire has firmly and unequivocally forsworn torture of any kind no matter what the circumstance. Which is why folks like Chambliss and Cheney remind us we can be “America the Ironic”, if we let them speak for us, and I say this as a veteran and who is darned proud of it.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

If I were emperor

No one who didn't vote in the midterm elections would be allowed to call sports talk shows.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Military philosophy

The Navy has stripped (and many feel rightfully so) Bill Cosby of his honorary rank of "petty officer." Well, not to be petty ourselves, but military assaults are up 8%, over 6000 this past year and at an all-time high and the victims have to go to their own commanders for redress even if that's the very person who committed the assault. So what then is the military's philosophy? We don't want honorary members sexually preying on our troops, we'll do it ourselves.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Up with a down presidency

They are saying, especially with the new Republican control of the Senate, that Mr. Obama has a diminished presidency and the numbers actually may prove it. Everywhere you look his numbers are down; unemployment was 7.8% when he took office, now that's down to 5.9%. The budget deficit percentagewise of the GDP was 9.8 and that deficit is down to 2.8. And the number of Americans WITHOUT healthcare is down by 10 million. Down down we miss the brains and prosperity of the Bush administration yet?

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The "ultimate" dating resume

How's this for an irresistible package? You're 80 years old, you've got a Nazi tattoo between your eyebrows, you're a confirmed psychotic, but it gets better. You're wondering how much better could get? Well you're a mass murderer and you're in prison for life and you're basically unrepentent, so what attractive 26-year-old wouldn't fall for you? Well the "bachelor" is none other than Charles Manson. The bride has got to make a heck of an interview but the upside of having a husband in prison with no chance of parole is that she knows where on the planet he is at all times. We just want to know what planet she's from.

Monday, November 17, 2014


The reason we need so many bad guys able to easily get guns is that we would have an excuse for "good guys" getting guns. And it sure does help the bottom line for the gun manufacturers, who in addition to owning their factories, are also the majority owners of the NRA.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A concession on suppression

In last week's midterm election, less than 37% of ELIGIBLE voters actually did so. That is the lowest level of participation since a very united and somewhat distracted America in 1942 had less than 35% participate. So I don't want to hear a word from Democrats, progressives etc who claim that Republican's suppress their vote...they do fine by themselves. And when we got a "decent" participation as in CT where more that 55% voted, we didn't have to put up with 4 years of "Foley's Follies".

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

America's most dangerous, jobs that is

Being a policeman or sheriff is a dangerous job, they average 18 fatalities per 100,000 workers each year. But, believe it or not they are not the most dangerous job, in fact it barely makes the top 10. So we will give you the top 4.

4. Farmer or rancher
3. Pilot or flight engineer
2. Loggers
1. The most dangerous is fishers and fishing workers, at 152 deaths per 100,000 are by far the most hazardous of occupations.

Thats no fish tail.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Bill Maher's pre-– midterm monologue

Regarding the midterms: message to the Democrats is stop distancing yourself from the president, just ask "President Al Gore". The one I feel bad for is Obama. 63 straight months of economic expansion, a depression averted, a deficit reduced by two thirds (this is true), a healthcare law that's working and lowering costs, two women on the Supreme Court, Bin Laden is dead, the stock market at record highs, and unemployment rate the drop from 10.2 to 5.9. If you are a FOX News viewer trying to do the math, that's less. Gas prices are down. Is that really that hard a record to get behind? My comments: Fucking shame if fucking middle-of-the-road, progressive people and liberal people don't vote...shame on them and they get what they deserve.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Run Tom, Run

Tom Foley is running for governor of Connecticut, and he may well win. See Tom run. He ran from paying income taxes the past number of years with millions of dollars in income and somehow his tax payments are less than $1000. He ran from giving reporters an answer when it was announced last week that Connecticut had their best month for job growth in 20 years. See Tom run. He ran from explaining why not one, but at least two factories that he bought got closed and jobs got cut while he may tens of millions of dollars in the process. He apparently is running from his last scheduled debate against Gov. Malloy saying he will not honor his commitment to make his appearance as previously planned. See Tom run. And now that we have had our 90th that's right NINETIEH school shooting since  Sandy Hook, he still has run from saying if he will honor the assault weapons ban passed after that tragedy. See Tom run, or should we say run away.

Sad irony

How's this for really sad heartbreaking irony? For the first time in its history the state of Washington is voting on a bill to require background checks for gun purchases. Could they, would they, please now finally???

Monday, October 13, 2014

Where is Foley's accountant?

Patrick Smith writes:

Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Foley is passionately concerned, as is his party's custom, about balancing the budget of our state. Said budget of course is the expenses that any government must bear versus the taxes that are due. Both components are to a degree discretionary, items the state won't act on and taxes that somehow don't get paid, an ongoing challenge  to all administrations. But there's hope, because if Tom Foley is as good at reducing expenses for Connecticut, as he is at creatively managing his own taxes, given his obvious wealth, we could be in for an interesting actuarial era. And hopefully should he become governor he'll lend the state of Connecticut his accountant.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

I Blama Obama

For the breach in White House security, doesn't he know enough to lock his own front door. Seriously after that South American snafu and now this one and now the fact that a person shot seven bullets at the White House and it took them days to notice. So are some members of the Secret Service really are not sure how much they actually want to protect this black president? And why am I getting a Yitzchak Rabin flashback?

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Dick Cheney; "we are at war" it so?

President Obama is spot on. We should pound lSIS, we will pound ISIS, and in the long run I am convinced we are going to devastate ISIS. But as to the statement by Dick Cheney that "we are at war", I have questions. For example, if we were truly really in an all out war, wouldn't Dick Cheney (5 previous), George Bush (4 previous), and John Ashcroft (7 previous) be working on their next set of draft deferments? And not leaving gullible folks like me on the ground walking with a rifle in uniform.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

On a world in focus 

ISIS is still creating its medieval terrorist havoc in the Middle East. For the moment, there is relative calm in the Gaza area. Russia is still - despite a fragile cease fire -doing some damage in the Ukraine, but that's not where the big headlines are today. No, it's what to do if you have a Ray Rice jersey and want to trade it in. Oh my G-d, does this world lose its attention span so quickly?

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Better Gun Safety???

We all know about the tragedy in which the nine year-old girl fatally shot her gun range instructor with an Uzi in Phoenix, Arizona. In Los Angeles however, there are  parents that take a much "saner" view of gun safety; they just get their child a 22 caliber rifle. What could go wrong? Well, since he is the ripe old age of seven, something did and he got shot; he's been airlifted to a hospital, no word yet on his condition. As far as the condition of his parents, that would take a different article. A much longer psychiatric one.

Monday, September 8, 2014

How to make money?

What's the best way to eventually make money for yourself, after you've previously cost others lots of money? Be a politician and then retire, see Eric Cantor and the Republicans are still 10 short of a minyan.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Gun sense, its not common and its not automatic

In White Hills, Arizona at a gun range called ironically the"Last Stop outdoor shooting range" it seems this family vacationing from New Jersey thought it would be really cool to have their nine-year-old girl - that's right NINE - to get practice shooting an Uzi. Sigh, what could go wrong did go wrong, and the gun she was shooting proved too much for her, and she actually shot and killed her instructor. But again she was nine and the policy in Arizona is allow them to shoot Uzis once they reach eight. You seven year olds will just have to wait until you mature or whatever Arizona decides, with the blessing of course of the NRA, you know No Reason Allowed.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Rocky has some mean friends

This past weekend an 88 year-old woman intentionally let a raccoon into her house. Without making any comments on her state of mind, the facts are these. She mistook the raccoon for her own cat and attempted apparently to pet it  and pick it up. What happened next was a little scary, as the raccoon bit her on the face, neck and several places around her arm. When the police were called, the raccoon charged the two officers and had to be put down. Like we said, not all raccoons are as nice as Rocky.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


We are all bipolar, its just a matter of degree

Thursday, August 7, 2014


This week marked the passing of James Brady, the Press Secretary for Ronald Reagan, shot in 1981 by James Hinckley with an illegally acquired gun. Mr. Brady suffered permanent brain damage and partial paralysis but gamely campaigned against wanton use of such weapons, and the result was that the "Brady gun law". But guess what, the argument that a good man with a gun stops a bad man with a gun, doesn't really hold up here, does it? Because there was one bad guy with a gun surrounded by an army of Secret Service agents, obviously good guys with guns and that didn't stop him. And President Reagan very nearly died. So maybe the best way to stop "the bad guy with a gun" is to have the bad guy prevented from getting a gun. The families at Columbine and many other places would no doubt agree. Rest in peace James Brady.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The most interesting man in the world




Sunday, July 27, 2014

I Blame Obama

For voter suppression at unprecedented levels. If it hadn't been for his running for president there wouldn't have been more younger folks voting than before, as well as older rural people many of whom happen to be black also interested in voting. Not to mention that he got 77% of Latino vote as they participated in the electoral process at a higher rate than before. So again I blame Obama because if he didn't get these people interested in voting they wouldn't have to be suppressed.

Monday, July 21, 2014

I blame Obama

These past few weeks Tel Aviv has been rocketed regularly, to say the least, by Palestinian militants. However, these missiles have been stopped by the "iron Dome" defense system built at an approximate cost of $300 million in special funds allocated by Pres. Obama. Thus the Palestinians can rocket at will without having to fear "sympathetic reports" of  Israeli deaths. Thus the news tends to be even more one-sided and unsympathetic to Israel, to repeat for lack of deaths, and for that I blame Obama

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I Blame Obama

Why haven't  these 50,000+ unaccompanied children who are illegal immigrants been deported? He should be impeached for failing to do so. Of course it's federal law that he can't deport them, so if he does, he should be impeached for that. This law, HR7311, was signed 2008 by George W. Bush, because he knew a Obama was going to be elected and would leave the borders I blame Obama for George W. Bush this one time actually being a compassionate conservative. 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Obamacare update

The right wing was never afraid that Obamacare wouldn't work, they were afraid it WOULD. Current surveys show 74% of Republicans are happy with Obamacare as it affects them

Monday, June 23, 2014

They may never be right but they are always sure

Talk show after talk show has Cheney, Wolfowitz, and Chambliss (a classic chicken hawk ) and that whole bunch back with comments on the current Iraqi crisis. Kind of like having a number of doctors who had an extraordinarily large number of their patients die in elective surgical operations that they in fact insisted on, be the ones whom you consulted as to whether to have an operation of your own.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Cantor Candor

Before Tuesday night's primary there were 32 Jewish officials in the House and Senate. Now with the defeat of Eric Cantor there is 31 and as we previously pointed out, Republicans used to be "nine short of a minyan" they are now 10 short of one. But as the erudite Barney Frank said they "do love Israel" and we have to say Eric Cantor just one more example of the Jew who thought he joined the club.


Tracy Morgan is a truly talented human being especially when it comes to humor.  He is also quite a kind individual with a great sense of philanthropy, but what he is going through is not one bit funny. Our wishes and prayers go out for a speedy and most importantly full recovery, because I for one would love to see him make me laugh again.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A hit by Mitt

Real FOX News: keep your Mitts on this idea. Guess who's come out for an increase in the minimum wage former Republican standardbearer for the office of president of the United States, Mitt Romney. We here at real fox congratulate him and as we've always said there's no more rational Republican than one who isn't seeking office

Happy Birthday Stephen Colbert

We wish a happy 50 to the great one Stephen Colbert, who has in the past quoted us (even if he didn't acknowledge it) and we love him still. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Non promises he will keep

On "This Week" Senator Marco Rubio said what he would as President to solve climate change. He said he would do absolutely nothing to address the human part of the problem. And thats just perfect, because many people feel the tea party are the descendants of the "know nothing" party, and Mr. Rubio has now claimed the leadership of the "do nothing" party. And to "do nothing" is a promise he can surely keep.

Friday, May 2, 2014

The most interesting man in the world


Thursday, May 1, 2014

The most interesting man in the world


Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The most interesting man in the world


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Self serving? for once, not

How are the Republican Party and the NRA alike? Really, at one time they both served the public interest, not their own

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The NCAA Games

The NCAA has a quartet of games two days before the field of 64 really begins; some call it round one, some want to call it "play in" games but they're both wrong. They should call it the four – play games, an accurate and somewhat eye-catching title.

Monday, March 17, 2014

An interesting distinction

One of the distinctions we  hopefully learn as we get older is that  there is a big difference between what we can control and what we can predict.

Monday, March 10, 2014

The room that was empty...

Last week at  CPAC (the event/revival/pre-convention for republican conservative stars) there was an interesting sidelight: namely  there was a room where they had a "Minority panel". And the room was virtually empty.

To Republicans; Forget theology & ideology...learn biology

Ana Navarro, Republican strategist on "This Week" give an interesting "biblical" parallel to the Republican CPAC convention. She bragged about the "diversity" of the points of view, and said it was like Noah's  Ark "one of everything". Dear Ana, if you believe the story literally of Noah's Ark you should really know they had "two" of everything or later they would've had none of everything. For you guys to get better on Bible stuff you are going to have to get better on biological stuff.

Friday, March 7, 2014

General malfeasance by a Lt. Col. 

Lt. Col. Joseph Morse is under investigation by the army's criminal investigation command for groping a female army lawyer during a legal conference in Northern Virginia in 2011. What makes this case fascinating is that the army is attempting to train prosecutors to handle physical abuse and sexual abuse cases. And, that happens to be the exact job description of the above mentioned Joseph Morse. So forgive the play on words, but lets put this in "Morse" code; You are supposed to "handle" sexual abuse cases, not "handle" the females that work with you.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Common Wisdom

Regarding our cosmic view of "men" and "women" consider this; common wisdom is that we always LOSE to Father Time, but GET the gift of life from Mother Nature

Monday, February 10, 2014

The art of the deal

In business as in life it's always a work in progress to stay on top of a guy who deals from the bottom.

Monday, February 3, 2014

On Addiction Predictions

The movements to legalize marijuana have (as have many things) divided our country. 49% favor it and 48% oppose it and those that oppose it point out (correctly) that a certain amount of people will definitely become addicted. But and it's a big but, putting aside that marijuana by almost all accounts is far less lethal than alcohol or tobacco, just how does it stack up habit wise, particularly for those that begin using as teenagers? Here are the numbers as to just how many will become addicted; 9% of the people who smoke marijuana, 15% of the people who drink, and 32% of smokers will never quit. Isn’t it ironic that the substance which is the least addictive (on many levels) and is the least dangerous has by far the greatest legal consequences?

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Global warming, global cooling, Global fooling

Record weather events of the snow and ice variety are going  to be hitting  the Southeast in the next day or two and yet Alaska is experiencing some record warm temperatures. How wacky are these changes in the climate? This couldn't be the reason why they call it climate change, could it? Yes possible snow and ice in the deep south, and flash floods in Alaska in the winter, wow that's climate fooling.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The faux religious

 One knack the faux religious have is they do all the "right" things but none of the important ones

Mutt in your eye

For 100 years Westminster dog show has been for only the "pure" of breed but now at least a partial change has been made, and for the better. Mongrels - or mutts as those  of mixed parentage might be called - are going to be allowed to compete in the show at least in the agility areas. They won't be allowed as yet to compete for best of show but ask anyone who has a rescue dog there, they win best of heart, every time. And so to all those newly eligible's Mutt in your eye.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

A real Beck-er head

We have a new high in reaching a new low and  that has been done by one Gregory Beck, an elected school board member in the town of Brookfield, Connecticut. Brookfield is a neighboring town to Newtown which of course was the scene of the awful tragedy on December 14, 2012. So in homage to those 26 victims there has been declared "26 days of kindness" in the Newtown area and here's how Mr. Beck plans to "celebrate" those days. He will give out ammunition to all of his friends on each of those days as his way of "commemorating" the gun violence perpetrated on 26 innocent victims. Now that's a real Beck-er head.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Newsflash on Liz Cheney

Newsflash; Liz Cheney has announced she's dropping out of the race for the Republican senate  nomination in Wyoming because of "serious health issues" surrounding her family. Yes her freakin candidacy was on life support due to  her idiotic political and social positions. Oh, by the by, her dad Dick said that she was going to win without a doubt. Another slam dunk, Darth.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Guns don't shoot asses

This past week a gentleman in Dearborn, Michigan while attempting to pay his bill in a store actually shot himself in the butt with his 40 glock. We are naturally then expecting the NRA to issue the following bulletin: Guns don't shoot asses, asses shoot themselves in the ass.

The Faux News Network Principles

A) We distort, you abide
B) Or we retort if you deride, unless we choose not to
C) Complete sentences are acceptable in lieu of complete truths
D) It’s OK to criticize the 2006 Democratic Congress for all America’s problems since 2001
E) We shoot from the flip
F) We’re not always accurate but we’re always certain
G) On what we feel is wrong in this world, we can’t stop people from saying I don’t agree or I don’t care, but we won’t let them say I didn’t know
H) The director’s board has a whim of irony
I) In times of emergency, we should rally around our President: In times of democracy he should do the same for us
J) We proudly plagiarize in advance, examples available upon request
K) It’s easy to be fun-based when you’re fact based
L) Good news parody makes for good news parity
M) And, of course, our goal is and always will be to be the most trusted name in Faux News