Friday, January 19, 2007


which is it
?  President Bush says,
and has always said we have to be fiscally responsible as a nation but what
used to be fuzzy math now seems scuzzy math. 
The National Disaster Relief Fund (things like Katrina actually do happen)
is practically out of funds, and the war in Iraq is costing $300,000,000.00 PER
DAY between salaries, logistics and re-building Iraq and, guess what, we now
“own” the largest budget deficit of any nation in history.  But yet our Stubbornness-in-Chief won’t budge
off this tax cut agenda for the very rich and cronied.

            So which is it?  Mr. Bush insists we need a surge of soldiers
to make an impact in Baghdad
but the additional 20,000 he’s sending is only a 15% increase in our numbers
there to that end.  And while the (John)
McCain doctrine calls for many more troops than that; with no draft or other
inducements to increase in the size of our Armed Forces we’re asking the same
veterans to sacrifice and, obviously and logically, running short of new

            So which is it?  We can’t, according to Bush, Rice, et al,
leave Iraq
without winning so there is no “Plan B”, though why then do they call the first
one “Plan A”?  However then  . . . we’re told that if the Iraqi’s don’t
meet certain “benchmarks” we will at
that point withdraw support.  So then we can leave, and face losing this “ultimate ideological struggle”, but it’s up to
the Iraqi’s sense of mission and their competence as to whether we do so.  Feel safer yet? 

            AND SO WHICH WAS IT, when Mr. Bush had his mission
embellished moment?  It wasn’t victory
obviously because virtually all in the know, Republicans and Democrats,
conservative and liberal, agree; that the Bush bunch has been trying to figure
a way out of Iraq
ever since that day.  What it was, and
what it is, is this; it’s what they tell
us it is, and it’s OK if they spin and re-spin, and it’s OK if Mr. Bush has a
whim of iron, because none of this is  flip-flopping, if you’re Republican; the people
for all seasons, all seasons of the “which”.  

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