Friday, February 2, 2007


What’s in a term?  We
thought we knew until this administration, in addition to taking over the three
branches of government, took over portions of our language as well.  And believe us, they evolved way beyond Bill
Clinton’s definition of what “is” is. 
Whether it was the “Healthy Forest Initiative”, hey, if you cut down all
the trees, you don’t have any unhealthy ones, or their sense of  “accomplishment” regarding the mission in Iraq, they
engaged in snow jobs, long before Tony.

            So when
they call the addition of some 20,000+ troops to the war in Iraq, an “augmentation” instead of
a “surge”, we might just want to examine and as it turns out this time
(unfortunately) they just may be correct. 
Because it seems, according to Webster’s, a “surge” is a rise followed
by a fall; as more troops in, and then more troops out, where an “augmentation”
is defined only in terms of enlargement. 
So guess what, when the numbers over there go only upwards, we can’t say
they didn’t, in a stealth sort of way, warn us. 
But we kind of wish they would have used the word “fluctuation” instead;
a word that would have worked so much better then augmentation when properly
prefaced by “cluster”, that is.

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