Monday, February 19, 2007


 As was noted in Frank Rich’s Sunday column in the New York
Times, the Bush administration claims knowledge that EFP’s (Explosively Armed
Penetrators) supplied by Iran have been in use against our troops in Iraq since 2003.  In a very related point, to our soldier’s
survival that is, the Washington Post headlined that it will take until at
least this summer to fully implement the needed armor upgrades to defend our
Humvees.  Let’s see, EFP’s have been
viciously used against us since ’03, and it will take until at least the summer
of ’07 to get the right protective armor in place, during which time our troops
have been and will be out there
without the best protection possible.

            We think the problem with Prez W,
among many things, is that he and his group just don’t grasp there’s a certain
order to make things safe, be they matters of defense, finance, or health.  That said, permit us at FFN to allow
ourselves a digression and illustrate it to these folks this way; which
hopefully even they can not misinterpret; you (always) put
the condom on before the sex.

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