Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Joe Biden is a good guy, an articulate guy, a decent guy but verbally, at least, he’s an over extended guy.  We’ve all heard of people who can’t take yes for an answer, well Joe is the guy who can’t say yes (or no for that matter) for an answer.  Rather he tends to use 50 or more words when 5 or less would do.

            We all know what he meant about Obama, that here we have a truly electable African American but he used the word “articulate” instead, giving previous black candidates for elective office, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, to name two, the opportunity to take umbrage.  Were they justified, that’s a judgment we at FFN.C won’t make but for the record, Mr. Biden does have an excellent record on civil rights.  Oh and we would hope those offended by the lynch pin word “articulate” will have at least as intense a reaction to the lynch pin word “lynch”, and we hope they work up to it by June 2007.  You see, that marks the second anniversary of the failure of Resolution 239 to pass unanimously in the U.S. Senate, it did pass but with 8 nays.  239 FYI was a symbolic resolution stating that the Senate should have (years ago) condemned (no friggin’ foolin’) the lynching of black Americans by other Americans, in America.  Incidentally, all 8 in opposition are right wing republicans, hope they at least went easy on Mr. Biden. 

            Aside, our early poll results of blacks we’ve asked is an overwhelming majority preferred being called inarticulate than being lynched.

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