Monday, April 16, 2007


            On the
record as we always are, we at Faux News Network believe Don Imus should not
have been fired and are hopeful he’ll get back his job, if not his
eminence.  If we consider that Mr. Imus
is an open recovering alcoholic and drug addict, and just how much good he’s
done for others with those challenges, it makes us more than hopeful he could
be a force for tolerance as well.

            However, we
do have a couple of caveats, along with that recommendation . . . First his
replacements (for now) have to stop using complete sentences in lieu of
complete truths (I know that’s one of our credos) about Imus’s remark.  It wasn’t his reflexive reaction to a news
story about the women’s finals that did him in, it was his repetition of his reflexively
degrading (to women among other demographics) sidekick, Bernard McGuirk.  Many have said they don’t feel Imus is a
bigot and we’ll give the benefit of the doubt, but if someone were to ask us
the same concerning Bernard and Charles McCord (his other sidekick) if they’re
not racially biased individuals, they could (and have) fooled us and others.

            And please
stop the nonsense that Mr. Imus represents all political points of view, at
best you could say kinda, sorta.  Because
two of the (if not the two) leading
Democratic contenders for their party’s presidential nomination in 2008,
Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama, are personalities he’s said in advance he would not give a fair shot or any shot on his show.  Denying the only woman and black candidate a voice would not exactly be the way to show
one was coming to grips with his issues about women and blacks.

          We still hope he
gets back and that his sidekicks are friend enough, loyal enough, and
just plain men enough to own up to their very crucial part in Don Imus'
travails and maybe meet the Rutgers women themselves, as a team, and
then in a fun basketball two on two exibition. They (McCord and
McGuirk) could use the experience and we could use the laughs...and we
could also use Don Imus back doing his newly found tolerant good.


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The Faux News Network Principles

A) We distort, you abide
B) Or we retort if you deride, unless we choose not to
C) Complete sentences are acceptable in lieu of complete truths
D) It’s OK to criticize the 2006 Democratic Congress for all America’s problems since 2001
E) We shoot from the flip
F) We’re not always accurate but we’re always certain
G) On what we feel is wrong in this world, we can’t stop people from saying I don’t agree or I don’t care, but we won’t let them say I didn’t know
H) The director’s board has a whim of irony
I) In times of emergency, we should rally around our President: In times of democracy he should do the same for us
J) We proudly plagiarize in advance, examples available upon request
K) It’s easy to be fun-based when you’re fact based
L) Good news parody makes for good news parity
M) And, of course, our goal is and always will be to be the most trusted name in Faux News