Friday, April 20, 2007


    So much of this world is random luck, bad and good,
disastrous or grand, and any design seems to elude us.  There are
inherent chances in day to day life, the gray area, leading to our
destinies which are written in black and white, and sometimes as in the
tragic incident at Blacksburg in blood.  But if nothing can change
that, here then is what we all, no doubt, wish we could say to any
would be Cho Seung-Hui’s of the future; don’t you dare because we’re
not going to make it that easy for you to gun up.  But
unfortunately don’t you dare is what the NRA and its political (lap)
dogs say to any would be proponents of having our murder rates reduced
to that of well, virtually any other nation on earth.  The very
pro-guns all the time Senator from Idaho, Larry E. Craig, Republican,
said it best (for his interests anyway) putting it this way “There are
several gun control advocates who have behind their name today, r-e-t,
retired, Some of it was voluntary.  Some of it was
involuntary.”  So it’s not killers beware, its legislators who
would disarm them beware.  Yeah, they’re the real danger.

    I can’t imagine the sense of blindside grief that
the parents and other family members of the victims at Virginia Tech
feel.  If they are among the many who believe in gun sanity, they
probably might think, among many other thoughts, regarding their
political opposites, what have you done to us?  And here’s the
puzzling part (to us):  if the leave no gun behind bunch has had
any family fall victim to Mr. Cho, considering the ease with which he
legally armed himself; do they ever wonder, what have we done to

Or maybe, they’ll just continue to be surprised by the fact that the
nation with the highest concentration of handguns has the highest
concentration of gun murders.

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