Thursday, July 10, 2008


It’s obvious to all in our intelligence network that the Al-Qaeda is regrouping in the tribal areas of Pakistan. Naturally our officials in the military there requested more predator drones to help with the surveillance and to protect our ground forces. The answer they received from the oil’s well Bush bunch was “no”, that none were available because they had been diverted to Iraq. The insightful Paul Krugman has helped break this news, pointing out the reason for this travesty namely that Exxon Mobile, Shell, Total and BP are about to sign “no bid contracts”- the beginning of their once again accessing Iraq’s oil. It’s been over 3 decades since they have been able to and that’s a long time between drinks, or should we say gulps, so expect them to be thirsty. Can Mr. McCain help here by adding to his tax plan some additional aid and rebates to lubricate the oil industry’s latest venture? Or is the Al-Qaeda to be ignored, relegating the victims of 9/11 to a status not unlike that of dinosaurs whose past demise served mainly as fuel for our fuel. Finally, as we are so often reminded Mr. Bush and Mr. McCain always but always back the troops. Although the lack of drones proves troop support doesn’t necessarily include air support.

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