Tuesday, July 1, 2008


According to the Tax Policy Center Senator McCain’s tax plan would sure enough give refunds, which we’ll enumerate. If you are in the bottom 60% (often known as the majority) of US tax payers you will get a refund of almost $3, that’s three dollars a week, or .43 per day. You are advised here not to spend it all in one place. If you are in the top 1% of all tax payers you will get back $800 per week, and if you are in the top one tenth of one percent (.01) you will get back over $5,000 per week. So far, so fair, if you’re so rich. Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty (R) when defending Mr. McCain’s program this past Sunday was asked by George on “This Week” for a response and honestly and sadly he could think of nothing to do but change the subject. But we at the Faux have thought of a bargain for you folks available at 43 cents a day, it’s called a postage stamp and you get one cent change, and you can write your other “rich friends” in the 60% and make plans for how you will spend your $3 next week. Don’t write the people in the top 1% who are supporting McCain, while they may be receiving more from this country, trust us, they could care less.

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