Sunday, July 27, 2008


John McCain recently claimed ( then disclaimed) that 16 months sounded like a pretty good time table to leave Iraq and then said he didn’t use the word ‘time table’. Interestingly, Mr. McCain still maintains we were greeted as liberators, and that Saddam Hussein “posed a threat to the security of the United Stated of America”. Senator McCain also says that when he said that Barrack Obama would rather “lose a war to win an election”, that didn’t mean McCain was questioning his patriotism. Because that’s not the low road Republicans usually take, right…..
It’s also fascinating that John McCain couldn’t make the senate vote on the housing bill (which passed 72 – 13), but says he would have voted for it. Fine, but on the Medicare bill where Ted Kennedy came straight from Chemo treatment to vote for it and break the 60 vote plateau, 99 senators were present: all except John McCain. The Libby Ledbetter bill is coming up arguing a women’s right to sue when the victim of blatant salary discrimination and Mr. McCain has indicated he wouldn’t vote for that. So why isn’t the Democratic line against McCain; to those Medicare recipients, women and those struggling with the mortgage crisis, “he doesn’t vote for you, why vote for him?”

Oh, on ABC’s “This Week” on his latest promise to reduce taxes he bungled as follows “I’ll keep tax cuts low, okay. Is it too much to expect a president who speaks coherently, more often than not? And we ask again why vote for a man who won’t vote for you?

And finally (for now) just how does Mr. McCain distance himself from the Bush Economy while aligning himself with all the Bush economic policies? More to follow.

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