Thursday, July 3, 2008


Try and remember this scenario guys; The state of Israel has lived and survived in a region where many Arab states wish they didn’t. But two such enemies had a negative intention deficit with weapons in their hands and hate in their hearts and it was focused on each other. These enemies of my enemies were of course Iraq and Iran who were locked in a mutual cycle of enmity (not always good) and distraction (this time actually good) and it stayed that way for a long time. In 1981 Israel bombed an Iraqi nuclear reactor to be sure and successfully so but since then it was more or less okay, until around 2002.
Now to the present where we hope to be against such idiocies in the future so that in the bargain we can become what we would call weapons of mass instruction. Because you see in the “mensa” mindset which started an unnecessary war in Iraq in addition to putting our soldiers and our long term interests at risk tilted that balance of power. Thus with no Iraq to keep it pre-occupied, let alone occupied, Iran has been free to work on a nuclear reactor which Israel will no doubt have to pre-emptively defend against. And this will cost a loss of lives, Israeli and Iranian and the blood will be on the hands of the Bush administration, although we keep reminding ourselves they “love” Israel or as the British might say “they bloody love Israel”. The reason Israel might feel compelled to act before the next President takes office is because of the manner in which the current President mismanaged his office.

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