Thursday, September 18, 2008


We're told that when she took over as governor of Alaska, she sold the corporate jet "on ebay and...she made a profit," the source of this being John McCain at the Republican convention. Turns out she listed it on ebay, failed to sell it, but did finally sell it privately, at a $500,000 loss. We've heard (again from John McCain) how she said "Thanks, but no thanks to the bridge to nowhere," Mr. McCain's poster child for waste in government but actually she only did so after she had been (way) for it before she was against it. Then, only after congress had informed Alaska the bridge was a no go, did she follow on board but she did “lead” in one respect, she kept the money, well over 200 million dollars. Mr. McCain also informs us that Ms. Palin isn't your typical “grab money from Washington” type, unlike, say, Barack Obama. Interestingly, as Charles Gibson also (and more truthfully) informed us, and perhaps Ms. Palin in their interview, that Alaska's federal money received came to $231.00 per person whereas Illinois, Obama's state, got federal funds equal to $22.00. That's obviously less than on tenth that of Palin's booty. And speaking of booty, what we're not told is what's in her tax return, because she hasn't released it; something to do with charging the state a per diem when she was working at home, and not reporting it as income?
The Republicans want us to be concerned that Sarah Palin may be unfairly treated in the press due to sexism (like they were really concerned for Hillary), but, do world events ever grade on a curve? Will the genocidal leaders in Darfur , the ruthless Vladimir Putin or the murderous Osama Bin Laden cut her any slack because of gender? Aside from the sure to come fake endorsement of Barack Obama by Bin Laden, this is the type of weakness they'll pounce on. So if before she's even president she's already expecting deferential treatment by our press, what about world events? Hey, if she's that weak, or Republicans think she is, and they should know, than she’s just not ready to lead. Think about it, she's not even ready to follow. And what does it say about Mr. "Country First" McCain, picking Sarah Palin as the best qualified person to be president in his stead?

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