Sunday, September 28, 2008


“Is he qualified to lead?” The Republicans have asked (and answered to their own satisfaction) so many times regarding Barack Obama. Under the topic of what goes around comes around, the Presidential debate on this past Friday provided a go around come around moment. After the candidates had concluded, the Vice Presidential candidates were invited by the news networks to add their thoughts. So Joe Biden came on for several minutes and answered Brian Williams questions, but where was Sarah Palin? She’d been invited to be sure, but the Republicans instead of sending the former beauty contestant into the contest sent on her behalf Mr. Congeniality. That’s right, it was Rudy Giuliani who did the vice bit for the Republicans that night, his forced and frightening grin in full flower. But that begs a more important question, the one with which we began. Never mind is Sarah Palin qualified to lead the nation should the moment arise, the Republicans don’t feel she is yet qualified to follow.

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