Tuesday, September 23, 2008


What would be an exceptional act of selflessness? The GOP uses the mantra "Country First" but is that what John McCain actually did when he decided on Sarah Palin for VP; as in that she's truly the readiest in the land to serve in his stead, ok. Is it selfless to retain the biggest tax breaks for those who have had the biggest incomes and no doubt the biggest bank accounts in America, many many of whom are McCain donors? Aside, we know Senator McCain says you have to make 5 million dollars a year to be considered rich, but that begs the question all the more. Really, isn't someone who is, and has, made that kind of money done pretty well off America and who more should give something back considering our pressured, deficit ravaged government. That is one way, a path Republicans never choose which would be putting "country first".
When Elizabeth Edwards said to John McCain referencing her battle with cancer that wasn't it wonderful that she (and he) had such great health care plans available due to their economic and political status. Mr. McCain didn't seem to think so, and bristled that he didn't have much of a health care plan in North Vietnam, as if to say he knows what truly wretched health care is. We agree Senator, and once again with deference to your service and imprisonment you seem to feel reassured that since the Republican health care plan is more compassionate than that of the North Vietnamese we should be gratified. Nah, providing better health care than that of the "Hanoi Hilton" should not get you or the Republican party kudos. Aspire to better please.
No, here is how the Republicans seem to show their selfless selves. And that is by asking us to forget about the selves they have been and what they have done after 8 years of controlling the Presidency and 6 of controlling congress; they are asking us to forget that Republicans are Republicans. if on election day the American people buy this pig and a poke, with or without lipstick we deserve what we get.

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