Thursday, September 11, 2008


Now begins the post-convention the post convention season featuring the purest concentration of political promises and rhetoric as the candidates hit the trail. One of the more fascinating boasts is owned by John McCain who claimed on Meet the Press that he could easily find 30% to take off the federal budget. But this it turns out might actually be a committment that the senator can keep, really. Some background is in order, specifically the case of Lily Ledbetter, a lady who worked for decades at Goodyear in Alabama as a supervisor and who discovered after her retirement that she'd been paid substantially less than all her male co-workers while doing the exact same job, despite her many superior reviews. Ms. Ledbetter's case was thrown out however because a local judge ruled she would have had to have filed her complaint whithin 30 days of Goodyear's first such transgression, i.e. she would have had to somehow know everyone else's exact salary at Goodyear within her first 30 days on the job. Fauxvians, do not try this at home or in your own workplace. So then after Ms. Ledbetter got no relief from her local court system many in Congress have picked up the gauntlet to pass a law in her name and on behalf of all women so shortchanged. Interestingly, John McCain has said he'd be against such an anti-discrimination initiative. Why, now please read this carefully, because if women were given the right to sue for being unfairly economically victimized, then they...would sue if they were being unfairly economically victimized. But therein is the genius of John McCain's budget-balancing plan, and it started with his nominating Sarah Palin as his vice presidential candidate. You see he'll continue to employ women in the government including all cainet staff advisory research, and even maintenance positions, and them all 30% less than a man would get for the exact same job. Apply such logic to any other government agency, and we'll have an all-woman work force and all since it will be in sync with Mr. McCain's "rescuing" women from the burden of having to sue at 30% less; budget saved, promise kept, and for the women who used to be paid the same as men for government work, the 30% change in their income will indeed be the McCain change they can believe in.

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