Tuesday, May 5, 2009


The Obama administration has been displaying its habit of using very calming language instead of very alarming of even disgusting language (case in point; H1N1 virus instead of “swine flu”). Nevertheless, we are seeing that less hysterical descriptions are resulting in more reasoned responses. The reason is because when we are led by a mature government, we tend to mature as a nation and act more responsibly. Wait, this just in…Egypt is killing every pig in their country…to be continued

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Developerholic said...

I just hope that the swine flu wouldn't reach our country because wearing mask is not going to be my thing ;(

Besides, just knowing that there's a deadly flu is bothering

Dragonblogger said...

I cannot believe Egypt is wiping out the entire pig population in their country as a panic over this. People are getting freaked out over nothing, there are virtually no deaths outside of Mexico related to H1N1 flu and the cases are mostly mild.

onlinewriter said...

i heard there were a lot of hog raisers who protested the swine killings were hurt by the authorities.that's so despicable.their gov't officials acted like kids.

Anonymous said...

Every year in the US nearly 35,000 people die from the common flu! Only one person has died from H1N1 (or porky as I like to call it) in the US to date. So why get all freaked out??? Egypt killing all the pigs seems logical. Don’t they have a history of killing things because of beliefs in odd things?

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