Monday, October 12, 2009


Yes, there are Republicans who are principled. Yes, there are Republicans who would vote for the health care bill that Americans need to stop sick people from losing insurance. We can (and will) give you the names; Former majority leader and presidential candidate Bob Dole, former majority leader Bill Frist, former HHS secretary Tommy Thomson are among those who have come out publicly in favor of the health reform bill. These are recent statements of support, all expressing their support in the first week of October. Here is the funny whimsical part of these good 'ole principles; somehow they all do it when they are out of office or leaving office. Maybe that has to be the secret weapon of the Obama administration, to find those Republicans who are leaving office and get their support...they may be his best bet. Even these 3 have some problems with the plan, but it just seems that Republicans become more principled the less they become Republican. This goes back to Sonia Sotomayor, of the 9 Republicans that voted for her...4 were leaving office.

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