Sunday, October 11, 2009


President Obama has won the Nobel peace prize for 2009, and given that 9 is about the number of months he has been in office...its quite a surprise. He certainly has changed the tenor of negotiations, and he certainly has goals that would more than qualify for such recognition. Commentator Bob Schieffer believes that this will ultimately cause Obama more grief, and allow the right wing to go nuts (something they never do...). As he receives the peace prize he will be ordering between 10,000 and 40,000 more troops into Afghanistan, a smart move as we have seen that these military surges have produced very tangible results in Iraq. Perhaps this is just Europe hating George W. Bush, perhaps this is some kind of emotional bribe (speaking of bribes, we did very well bribing leaders in Iraq) but in the meantime there will be conflict on the peace prize.

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1 comment:

John Tedder said...

The President didn't award himself the prize. The prize was awarded by the Nobel Committee. They obviously thought that, among all of the people they could have awarded it to, he was the most deserving. He gave a very gracious speech the following day acknowledging the award.

Republicans cheered when the United States lost the Olympic games in Chicago. They saw it as a defeat for President Obama.

Now Republicans are complaining because our President won the Nobel Peace Prize. Wow. I just think that is so un-American.

Michael Steele complained that someone else should have won it, but didn't name any names. It is the "just say no" mentality. Disgraceful.

I don't think President Obama is going to send all of those troops to Afghanistan. I think his decision will surprise a lot of people. At least, I hope so.

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