Tuesday, October 20, 2009


For 60 years the insurance companies have had an anti trust exemption. We at Faux News don't entirely understand all the nuances except that since they are backing out of some of their promises on health care reform at the 11th hour, President Obama in his radio address mentioned that they had gotten these anti trust exemptions for 60 years, and perhaps that should end. What is interesting about the insurance industry (among many things) is that they used to spend 95% of their budget on health care premiums and now they spend 80%. The rest is paid out in ever increasing bonuses while their clients have ever increasing struggles. As David Axelrod pointed out, 10 years ago the health insurance premiums were half of what they are now and 95% of their budget was spent on health care payouts. This has changed, and is a trust busted, and it may force the president to bust the trust. We have said before that our President has some very assassin like qualities. But the British government never minded James Bond because he was THEIR assassin.

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