Monday, October 12, 2009


President Obama went to Denmark and attempted to persuade the Olympic committee to give the 2016 Olympics to Chicago. Alas, the feud between the world Olympic committee and the US still runs deep and for that and perhaps many other reasons even though the President did his best for his country, he failed to bring back the Olympics. Naturally, all patriotic Americans wished him well and feel let down for the country. Then there are the "Palestinian patriots" the Yasser Arafat's of the world who (as former Israeli Prime Minister said) hate others more than they love theor own. You want an example? Its on film all over the internet and cable. The right wing think tank called "Americans for prosperity" burst into wild applause when the news broke that Obama lost the bid for Chicago. If George Bush or Dick Cheney had tried to charm the Olympic committee they would have been all for it. So, are all patriotic Americans disappointed by the Olympics? We would say yes. These happy right wingers are just the Yasser patriots.

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