Thursday, December 31, 2009


Topic 1; Ounces of prevention
We are told that 3-5 ounces of material for explosives are enough to be lethal, so they only allow people to bring 2 ounces of liquid style substances or less. Imagine if someday people figure out that 2+2+2=6 and they all get together on the plane to combine their "2 ounces or less".

Topic 2; Either late or never...
This idea that in the last hour of the flight is the only time someone can detonate explosives is weird. How about the first hour? Why not in Europe where the security procedures are not nearly as efficient as ours? Why not over the Atlantic ocean? This idea that it can only be at the end of a flight...either late or never??

Topic 3; Body scan of work
People are arguing about what a body scan in an airport will show. Can it show stuff that are taped to the body? Will it show some chemicals? They admit there are others it wont show. It would be noce to have some science and forensics. Is a body scan as good as bomb sniffing dogs? We know that dogs can sniff almost anything, so why are there not more dogs in our airports? Underwear is not going to scare off dogs, they kind of like sniffing there.

Topic 4; Their screens, our screams
The flight to Detroit that was nearly bombed by the Nigerian terrorist originated in Brussels where he went though a simple and very basic inspection. Can we insist that all flights entering into the US can ONLY be inspected by OUR people? Hopefully, our security people were not just hired to "fill jobs". Or perhaps our security dogs? It's American lives at stake here, we should not have the spectra of our screams based on the competence of their screens.

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