Wednesday, December 30, 2009


By now we all know that a 23 year old Nigerian man tried to blow up a Delta airlines flight from Amsterdam to Detroit. Apparently, his father had gone to the embassy in Nigeria and told people that he was very concerned about his son's extremist views. It is reassuring that they had let every aircraft in the air at the time (in the US) know within the hour and they are working around the clock to understand the disconnect that allowed this man to board a plane to the US. Joe Lieberman (who we have recently been criticizing regarding his health care reform views) brought some good points, asking how a man on the terror watch list did not raise suspicion when boarding. Homeland Security secretary Janet Napolitano responded by saying that there are so many lists that cross referencing for every name is impossible. We have to find out where the blame lies; if it is in the embassy in Nigeria, they should be fired. If in the Obama government, they should be fired. Someone let his pass and needs to lose their job, unless of course it is the President clearing brush.

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