Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Senator Mitch McConnell is of course criticizing the Obama administration's efforts to reform health care and admitted that the Republicans did everything they could to slow down the process of passing the bill. They wanted to go slowly (if at all) prompting us to nickname them the "party of slow". Interestingly, a bit of history about the party of slow and particularly Sen. McConnell; One of his major objections is that this bill will cut Medicare (actually it's a 21% drop in doctors fees in the coming year). Yet Mr. McConnell's record as a leader of the party of slow regarding Medicare; In 1995 he voted for 270 billion dollars in cuts over 7 years. In 1996 he voted for an additional 158 billion in cuts over 6 years. In 1997 he wanted to slow the growth some more and voted again for 393 billion in cuts. In the party of slow Mitch McConnell is the lead turtle.

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