Thursday, April 14, 2011


There is a bipartisan bill before the house right now that is sponsored by 2 Democrats and 2 Republicans. Its called the “Boone Pickens” bill and it encourages a subsidy towards drilling domestically for natural gas. The feeling is that tax incentives, while only enough to cover 140,000 trucks, would cut our OPEC dependency in half. Every president since Richard Nixon has called for energy independence. This actually would be a big step, it would be a “gasser” (as in natural gasser), and even though T. Boone Pickens is known as an oil man he has been a steady advocate for use of natural gas. Besides he’s a billionaire many times over and 82 years old so he might actually have some reflective selfless view for some of this. Imagine cutting away half of OPEC imports, truly we can all swoon from Boone.

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