Thursday, April 14, 2011


Richard Nixon was elected President in 1968 after being defeated by JFK in 1960. He crushed George McGovern in his re-election in 1972 but of course had to resign shortly after due to the Watergate scandal. At the time, he was thought to be one of the most right wing presidents ever. But watching the Republicans move the bar further and further to the right gives us pause when we think of what Nixon would be considered today. To explain; 2 states in the US, Texas and Utah, have speed limits of 80 mph. Republicans feel that isn’t fast enough and want to raise the limit in Texas to 85 mph. It was Nixon that said we have to limit dependence on foreign oil and created the speed limit of, get this, 55 mph! We also cant forget his opening a relationship with communist China, and introducing title 9 which allows women to get recognition on the sports field. This makes us think that the right wingers of the past, would be “blue dog Democrats” today. And if you happen to be driving through Texas, keep an eye on the rear view mirror. Do the same while looking at the political direction of this country.

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