Monday, December 21, 2015

Putting Up His Mitts

When Donald Trump said that America kills journalists just like the Russians do, Mitt Romney tweeted: "important distinction; thug Putin kills journalist and opponents; our presidents kill terrorists an enemy combatants". Way to go Mitt, it is amazing how rational some people get when they get out of combative politics!! 

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Yellen is Yellin'

Yesterday Janet Yellen and the rest of the federal reserve agreed on a .25% increase in interest rates, the first in over a decade. This had been anticipated, and shows the economy is definitely recovering, and the stock market reacted really positively. This is called the good news, and only nine people don't know this. Well 13 if you count the many predate candidates.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Unplanned Parenthood

Maybe the way to judge the political logic of certain positions is to look at the opposite. For instance, the opposite to Planned Parenthood would be UnPlanned Parenthood, which is better known as the state of Texas based on their leading the country in repeat teen pregnancies.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Marco (Bi-Polo) Rubio

After deciding Obamacare was not right for Americans who need healthcare, he enrolled his own family in it.

Monday, December 14, 2015


The two most common comments going around (political insiders and outsiders alike) concerning Ted Cruz are as follows: first, a former former college roommate said he would just as soon take someone out of the phone book as opposed to having Cruz as the next president. Then, when a political associate who worked with him was asked why just about everyone he's worked with in Washington seems to dislike Ted Cruz instantly: he said it saves time.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

What Bothers You?

To those who are bothered by prejudice of any sort, the most disquieting/frightening thing about Donald Trump is not just his universal condemnation and plan to put a ban on Muslim immigrants regardless of their situation. No, it's that the major political party that controls the House of Representatives and the United States Senate, does not disapprove. Rather it endorses it to the degree that he is clearly FIRST in the current Republican polls. Says more about them than about him.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Sports Trivia

 1. Can you name six colleges who's nickname is dogs? 2. Can you a college name for whose nickname is the Bulldogs?

Friday, December 4, 2015

Geography was always my worst subject, but...

Geography was never my best subject in Trivial Pursuit, in fact it was my worst. So I'm trying to work on a couple of things, one it turns out that the rifles used in the San Bernardino murders that the political right said were legally purchased are actually illegal in the state of California and I'm pretty sure San Bernardino is in California. Continuing on that geographic mode I keep thinking that Ted Cruz was born in Victoria which is part of Canada but again geography was my worst subject.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A Heated Skirmish

Of the Republican candidates, Rand Paul, Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio voted against reauthorizing the violence against women act. But why didn't the other candidates do so? My guess is because they are not Senators, but they would have voted against it if they could of. If there's not a war against women, there's at least a heated skirmish.

Monday, November 30, 2015

His Real Name?

Is it true that "Ted" Cruz was born in Victoria providence in the country of C A N A D A, and that there's a parity going around Facebook entitled "Born Near the USA", and....that his real first name is "Raphael"? Only way to know for sure is to check his birth certificate; Republicans tend to want those, right? Oh yeah, this is going around to Barack Hussein Obama who actually ran under his real name

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Bigots have no style

When I see bigoted anybody's - whites, blacks, Jews, Gentiles, Muslims et al, i'm struck with this thought; If you have no tolerance you have no style.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Protest Starbucks

The latest complaint from the right wing, wing nuts is against Starbucks which they claim is anti Christian. It seems that having a red and green cup (traditional Christmas colors?) isn't enough because there are no reindeer. I see their point, because we wouldn't want parents to forget the heartwarming story of when Jesus used the reindeer to chase the money lenders from the temple, or was it to write the bible...I forget which.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Latest Republican polls

The latest republican polls are out: The fun one, Trump , and the zoned (out?) one, Carson are tied now at 24%. The dangerous ones, Rubio and Cruz are next with 14% and 11% respectively, and JEB, will now obviously have to fix it because he's now at 4%. See Mr. Kasich what you get for having a brain.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Seriously, Ben Carson?

Dr. Ben Carson's recent comments are far less shocking then the reaction of his Republican constituency in Iowa. 73% agree with him that he would automatically disqualify someone for president based on religion, in this case Muslim. 77% agree with him when he said that Hitler would not have been successful if the Jews in Germany were armed. We should note that the armies of France, Poland, Czechoslovakia and so forth were armed with guns, tanks and planes. And finally he said Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery, 81% agree. Wonder what they think the second worst thing is, Social Security? On balance, it appears that  the one great misfortune of Mr. Carson's career as a brain surgeon is that he couldn't do a selfie.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Happy Birthday Johnny Carson

Today would have marked the 90th birthday of the best late night host ever, Johnny Carson. When asked what he wanted on his tombstone, he said on 60 minutes "Ill be right back". And in fact, kinda sorta he is. Because as I watch Stephen Colbert on "The Late Night Show", I see so much of Johnny's physical energy, amiability, and comedic spirit. I still miss Johnny Carson, but thank to Stephen Colbert not as much.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Curse of the Goat

As the Cubs move deeper into October baseball than they have for some time many in Chicago are wary of a “curse” they believe hangs over them. Supposedly, in 1945 a farmer was denied entrance into a game with his billy goat and put some sort of hex on the team which came to be known as the curse of the billy goat. I agree there may be a curse, but I strongly disagree as to its nature. The true curse of the Cubs has to do with the most odious chapter in the history of baseball; segregation.
       Until the late 1880’s black players were allowed to play professionally. That ended, in large part due to the resistance of one Cap Anson, the greatest of the early Cub players, a 3000 hit Hall of Famer. In the barnstorming games prevalent in that time, Anson refused to take the field against black players, and this type of exclusion became a very regretful custom. Any Cub or baseball historian worth his salt is aware of this, and the Chicago team has never apologized or even acknowledged it to this day, and they should. Because if you believe in curses you have to believe in the need for relief, and here's the one I propose. If the Cubs (hopefully) make it to the World Series, at game three in Wrigley Park they should invite every living member of the Negro baseball leagues. That would be an exorcism for the baseball ages and for tolerance. And as to the Curse of the Goat: baaaah 

Monday, October 19, 2015


 Stubbornness is the greatest inhibitor of IQ known to humans

Thursday, October 15, 2015

If I only had a brain

It has occurred to us at Real Fox News that the reason Ben Carson is doing so well in straw polls is because people think he's the scarecrow, and we predict he would sweep Kansas.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Are we too harsh?

So it seems that the search for a Speaker of the House must go on as representative Kevin McCarthy has quit the race. In the words of the legendary political analyst Michael Kinsley he made a gaffe; he accidentally told the truth about how they were going after Hillary. And besides the tea party considered both Mr. McCarthy and Mr. Boehner  too "accommodating" to the idea of compromise to represent them. That's like saying you're the least racist Confederate sympathizer. Think that's harsh? These folks want to risk debt default, and a lot of them including one of their leading candidates Ben Carson doesn't even know what that means. 

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

James Dean

60 years ago today actor James Dean died in an auto accident in Northern California. He starred in three movies; East of Eden, Rebel Without a Cause, and Giant, and he was superb in every one. He was an adolescent/young talent about to blossom but sadly never got the chance.

Happy Birthday Johnny Carson

This month on October 23rd, would have marked the 90th birthday of the best late night host ever, Johnny Carson. When asked what he wanted on his tombstone, he said on 60 minutes "Ill be right back". And in fact, kinda sorta he is. Because as I watch Stephen Colbert on "The Late Night Show", I see so much of Johnny's physical energy, amiability, and comedic spirit.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Wine and familiar circumstance have this in common; they loosen the inhibitions

Friday, August 28, 2015

New Word Nomination

Nomination for a  free brand-new word: DECISE (A precise decision under pressure)

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

We're asking Jeb!

While we will always miss Brian Williams, give Lester Holt kudos for asking Jeb Bush one of the key questions that seems to never get asked. That is, if W had not invaded Iraq, and knocked out the main nemesis of Iran, would there be an ISIS? A lot of real knowledgeable people on the subject say no, but  we are not asking real knowledgeable people, we're asking JEB!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

All Al Gore's Fault

Today's non-climate change non-global warming temperatures: Fresno 104°, Las Vegas 109°, Phoenix 108°. And he gets "better", as in it will be a hot time in the old town tonight. In Palm Springs where it's 112° in Death Valley where it's 119°. All Al Gore's fault.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

There is no global warming

We had one of the warmest December and beginning of January's on record, and then a very cold second half of January and a good chunk of February. Which made the yahoos say global warming is a hoax, the science was not settled, and after all almost 1/2 of 1% of the sciences disagree. Well, that many. So here are some of the temperatures today in our non-globally warmed country: Dallas 105°, Houston 104°, Mobile 100, Birmingham 102°. And it gets "better" (as in hotter), New Orleans 106 degrees, Jackson 108°, and our "winner" Alexandria, Louisiana 109°. Fine, there's no global warming, but i'll bet if it happens it will get really hot.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Politics are complex

Every now and then, like just about always, world events and politics gets complex. Let's start with "Saint" Ronald Reagan, maybe the only person or entity this current group of Republicans "loves" more than Israel. You know, that's the same Ronald Reagan who was the only president in our history (and we hope the only present ever) to actually honor the German SS by visiting their main cemetery in Bitburg. Quick historical recap, they were not soldiers in any honorable sense; their total goal was to degrade murder and torture Jews. And of course it was  under the administration of Mr. Ronald Reagan that Jonathan Pollard was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole. 

And of course there's Barack Obama, who according to Mike Huckabee would "march all of Israel to the ovens". Interesting, since the Iron Dome which obviously saved thousands of Israeli lives received over $1 billion above and beyond the normal aid to Israel, from Mr. Obama as to the opposed to the amount George W. Bush gave Israel, which was ZERO. AND, Mr. Obama is now ramrodding the pardon and release of John Pollard. Only the simple think things are simple.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Just one voice

A number of Republican presidential candidates including Rick Perry are "admitting" that the Republicans in their own states have been very unfair to black citizens. Now can just one of them, please Lord one of them, say to remedy that at least in part, we're going to take away voter suppression laws. And actually increase or at least reinstate some of the early voting days so essential to the working poor. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

How The Donald Helps

Donald Trump may - in his own roundabout way - be helping the American electoral process. Because even in hotly contested presidential years, 40% of the people don't vote. In fact two months before the last midterms, polls showed that less than 50% of the people even knew there was a midterm. But, with The Donald, more and more people are aware that we really do have a presidential election coming in 2016, and that may just result in a few more people being interested enough to actually vote for whomever.
One of the (many) reasons the Super Bowl is our most highly followed event are the many unique stories leading up to it. Wouldn't it be wild, wacky and wonderful for democracy, if the presidential Election Day received the same level of interest, ratings and participation as our National Football Championship Day.

Monday, July 13, 2015

The Yankees "you knows"

The Yankees had a fine 8-6 win over the Red Sox going into the All-Star break, and there were two interesting interviews. One with the rookie call up for the weekend Rob Refsnyder and the other was all star reliever Dellin  Betances. The interviews were approximately two minutes each and between them they reach the total, you know, of 30 "you knows". Great young players and fairly smart too, but, you know, they could use a well, you know interview coach . Well now you know.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Lighten up

Good news for smokers, relatively speaking. Smoking reduces your life on average by "only" 10 years whereas type II diabetes (in conjunction with the previous heart attack or stroke) reduces it by 12 to 13. So forget that extra dessert and light up; maybe even better do it with a cigar.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Newsflash to right wing Jews

Mike Huckabee announced on  "This Week" that if he were president we shouldn't be surprised if he has a nativity scene on the White House front lawn. I thought these right wing guys love the Constitution and the separation of church and state, I guess unless its their church. But again attention RWJs, I'm sure he loves Israel, at least until that time coming......

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


There are reports that Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton plan to Institute a program of deduction on college tuitions. Donald Trump is going to counter that with a run for the presidency...hairdresser schools and hair weaves will be free for all.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Thick armor, thick society

Thick armor, thick society: The man who instituted the armored car attack on the Dallas police headquarters was fortunately the only casualty. But as thick as the armor on that vehicle complete with gun slots was, I think we're a little thicker as a society when it comes to guns. Because consider, he bought this assault vehicle on eBay from a South Carolina police department with no ID, no background check, and heaven knows where he got those assault weapons. So thank heaven there were no innocent victims among the police and the bystanders.....this time.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Lets blame Clinton

I think it's time for real FOXNews to shift our focus from blame Obama to blame Hillary. We figured out he got elected twice by total of 13,000,000 for the two elections which is a touch more than George W. Bush's composite of 3,000,000 (well just the number "1"). So let's focus on Mrs. Clinton. First, we've all heard the break out those two murderers in northern New York; don't you think it's more than a coincidence that it's the "Clinton" prison where security was so lax.....

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Bikini Observation

Regarding the Texas takedown of a 15-year-old girl in a bikini by a police officer. There are differing stories of how rowdy the kids were and I can't honestly say for sure where
all fault lies, but I have strong opinions on bikinis, most of them favorable. And I feel qualified to make this observation; the skimpier the bikini, the less likelihood of concealed weapons, at least of the lethal sort.

Friday, May 22, 2015

In Honor of Memorial Day

I AM HONORED TO HELP KEEP ALIVE the memory of five brave men I have known who served this country well and are regrettably no longer with us. 

CHICK AIMES served in both World War II and the Korean War, including some time in the DMZ between North and South Korea, where he used to say with a smile "we were never there". He was a keen student of politics and veterans benefits and did not suffer gladly those politicians who avoided military service, and in his words “waived the flag but never served it”.

TOM COADY was an on-the-ground combat WWII Ranger. I knew him from when I was 10 years old, and he taught me so much including how to drive a truck and safely load material. He enlisted right after Pearl Harbor, and the running joke about Tom was that was the only argument he ever won with his wife was when he insisted she sign the waiver necessary for married men to enlist.

JERRY LEVY, a member of a "rival" youth group  in my teen years, was the first person I knew who went to Vietnam. I can't say we were close friends, but I was saddened to learn that in his last month in that country he died in action saving another soldier. When I visit the Vietnam wall, his name is the first I seek.

BOB MATHESON was my father-in-law, and served under General George Patton’s armored division. He won numerous metals with a "V" for valor and was also involved in some of the earliest liberations of concentration camps including the notorious Ohrdruf, the Nazi death camp that Patton wanted all his troops to witness. Ironically he died around the time of Memorial Day, 11 years ago. Still miss him.

ED MEAGHER was Tom Coady's coworker and my co-mentor. In World War II in Europe he found himself in a ditch with a few other men and German tank hovering over them. Late one summer afternoon he took a long sip of his beer and looked at me and said "I was determined not to die doin' nothing." So he did something, and sprinted alongside the tank, shot a grenade into the turret which for the moment was open, rolled away and then boom! He won a Silver star, and when I said as a naïve youngster it's a good thing you didn't miss, Ed answered "if I did, we wouldn't be having this conversation would we champ?" Without men like these there's a lot of conversations we wouldn't be free to have.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A No Bull Elephant

A BULL ELEPHANT who apparently takes no bull lives in a place called Chewore North, Zimbabwe. On April 17 one Ian Gibson was leading an "expedition" for a firm called "Safari Classics", just a polite way of saying they go on this macho man elephant hunt with the purpose of bagging one of these rather imposing majestic and often  threatened species. Well on this particular day there was some irony involved in chasing the ivory, because the head of the herd wasn't with their program. And he so to speak he “put his foot down” on Mr. Gibson, a number of times. The website of the Safari Classics organization said that Mr. Gibson was "brutally trampled to death" (hey, did you think it would be gentle?) and noted their client wasn't hurt. Good for you Mr. Client, worse luck next time.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Give Fleece a Chance

We want to take away corporate welfare which of course dwarfs, absolutely dwarfs, personal welfare in this country. Here's a saying the corporations might use to continue it:
Sure, we're  scamming but just a few more decades please: give fleece a chance.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Rudy Giuliani's love was limited

Rudy Giulani is in the news for his assertion that "President Obama does not love this country" an opinion to which he is entitled, although he is now back-pedaling like mad. But Giuliani's statement raises a question for which we - the American public - deserve an answer. And that is Mr. Giuliani, if you love this country indeed, then why didn't you serve it in deed during the Vietnam era. You made draft dodging literally an art form when after several student deferments expired you applied for another, with your reason being, get this, you were a "law clerk". You even got a federal judge to intervene on your behalf, when that application was rejected. Imagine then, if constitutional law professor Barack Obama were of age in that time and used that particular excuse, you and FOXNews would make it a miniseries.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Richard Nixon's China Anniversary

This weekend marks the 43rd anniversary of Richard Nixon traveling to the People's Republic of China. This was a truly great breakthrough and shows how good things can be done by anyone, regardless of how felonious or bigoted they might be. Ahh Mr. Nixon, you were not the best president and certainly not one of the most honest presidents, but golly, you were without doubt one of the most interesting.

Friday, January 30, 2015


People are endlessly fascinated by the current Pope and more so by his recent remarks to the National Catholic Reporter namely that people need not reproduce "like rabbits". He maintained his opposition to the use of contraception but said that there are many "licit" ways of regulating birth. Still this goes too far for some, particularly William Donohue of the Catholic League, which incidentally has no official relationship with the Catholic church. Mr. Donohue is quite upset, and suggests the Pope  clear future press releases with him, so let's just see who's in charge...Pope Paul or "Free Willie"...cause he is certainly free with his opinions.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

NRA update

The No Reason Allowed group has done it again and this time they've taken an even more cutting edge approach to get new membership. Now they're giving out free knives when someone joins up, that's good shoot 'em and then stab 'em. Kudos to Charlotte T. from Pennsylvania who suggests they give out gift certificates to funeral homes; hey a discount is a discount and a coupon is a coupon.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The top 1%

Surveys show that without a doubt by next year the top 1% of the world will have 50% of the wealth; two things then to keep in mind. 1. 60% of the conservative voters think they are in the top 1%. 2. They're at a loss to explain why there has been a great decline in their children's math scores.

Honoring MLK?

This is the actual speech from the women's coach the Tennessee basketball game right before they were to play Notre Dame on the evening of MLK day. "Today we are going to honor Martin Luther King, what are we going to do"? They answered: "Dominate!" The question is asked and answered again three times, each time louder. Then she concludes with the following  "Let's go fight!!" The Reverend King would have been so proud.

The Faux News Network Principles

A) We distort, you abide
B) Or we retort if you deride, unless we choose not to
C) Complete sentences are acceptable in lieu of complete truths
D) It’s OK to criticize the 2006 Democratic Congress for all America’s problems since 2001
E) We shoot from the flip
F) We’re not always accurate but we’re always certain
G) On what we feel is wrong in this world, we can’t stop people from saying I don’t agree or I don’t care, but we won’t let them say I didn’t know
H) The director’s board has a whim of irony
I) In times of emergency, we should rally around our President: In times of democracy he should do the same for us
J) We proudly plagiarize in advance, examples available upon request
K) It’s easy to be fun-based when you’re fact based
L) Good news parody makes for good news parity
M) And, of course, our goal is and always will be to be the most trusted name in Faux News