Tuesday, December 26, 2006


What is wrong with liberals, why don’t they get it? President Bush and Vice President Cheney do;
this is a clash of civilizations, a war for survival, the Armageddon of good
vs. evil.

Total devotion
to our president is essential, in fact should be made mandatory, any lessening of important symbolic acts
(like wearing flag lapels or singing “God Bless America” at Yankee games) will only
embolden terrorists. And, if any
Democrats at all are elected – imagine the wrong messages sent then.

All options are
on the table, all hands are on deck; any sacrifices the administration deems
necessary should be enacted without delay or debate. We are talking about our very existence
people and all previous privileges or presumptions may well have to be given up
for the common good. Well, almost all; we
do have to keep a few: like our tax
refunds for the top 1 percent and subsidies for the oil companies.

And for
now, just because we’re fighting for our lives, let’s not rush into having a
unilateral across the board draft or rationing gas or requiring higher fuel
efficiency in new vehicles even if that would depress the price of oil and thus
reduce the revenues of such terrorist nations as Iran.

And this
may be most important, we must never, never acknowledge the possibility of
mistakes made in Iraq such
as presuming a 9/11 connection or the presence of WMDs, being greeted as
liberators or making the Mideast safer from

That said
we need to keep in mind there is only one thing we have to fear more than
annihilation, and it’s not fear itself, it’s inconvenience itself.

But really,
enjoy the New Year and don’t be scared because remember that the Bush Cheney
reality has been to reality as the Bush Cheney patriotic service has been to
patriotic service.


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