Wednesday, June 20, 2007


The current trend is unmistakable; John McCain is failing badly in the Republican polls. Mr. McCain is a true military hero who’s tried to become a true ideological hard right conservative but that sometimes rather base base has never really trusted him. For one thing, he stands up to less than dutiful defense contractors and come Haliburton or high water, that is something this ruling group of right wingers never does, as if supporting the troops includes actually giving them the best support, in materials and armor. So let’s take a Faux Network look then at some of the other leading candidates, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, and Fred Thompson to see how these brave, hawkish proactive would be commanders-in-chief in theory, served our country in fact, as did former Vietnam prisoner of war, McCain.


9 Rudy 1 Giuliani 1 is not, of course, his legal name but we bet he’d make it that if he could. People forget he was Rudy the reviled before that tragic day, and he’s been living off it politically AND financially ever since but a look at Mayor Rudy’s career suggests that there’s a better number for him than 911. Please follow, his much maligned post 9/11 security business had THREE partners who were indicted or under investigation. He claims to have always valued families and, in fact, has had THREE of them, or at least that’s the number of his marriages and just how did rugged Rudy serve his country in the Vietnam era, he had, you guessed it, THREE deferments.


Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, is riding the financial wave of having raised the most money for his campaign and, of having the most money in his pockets, as well. However, he’s running against the cultural tide as some 30% of Americans feel they would have difficulties voting for a Mormon, claiming they’re a sect and citing the early Mormons’ polygamy, among other differences. As to the polygamy thing, there are only currently 40, sorry, make that 40,000 polygamists in this country, but Mr. Romney himself has had a singularly happy marriage so if you’re going to point fingers regarding the conduct of other Mormons, take their wives, please. On the military side, mega Mitt avoided service in the Vietnam era a number of times, in a related way by taking on what he describes as missions for his calling, assuming, if you will, the missionary position as he faced the draft.


Fred Thompson is not yet a full candidate so he doesn’t merit a full article, he will announce, we’re told, on July 4th. None of his bios mention military service but he is famous for the singular question during the Watergate inquiries, a line he fed Howard Baker, “What did the President know, and when did he know it”?, so what will candidate Thompson show . . .

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