Thursday, June 14, 2007


What did it take for Republicans to turn on G.W. Bush, as so
many now have. Was it an incompetent occupation of Iraq, a botched budget due to an absurd up with the rich tax refund, or a stubborn refusal to protect our country as he fails to implement any significant portion of the 9/11 Commission’s recommendations. No, it’s that Mr. Bush had the temerity to offer a plan which would give avenues, not easy ones mind you, to citizenship for the 12 million plus immigrants now in residence in the U.S. So why then does his conservative base object so virulently? Could it be, dare we raise the issue, that the would be citizens in question are not fair skinned? The political right’s tradition of not welcoming those “different” has been historically, and sadly, consistent and was in previous times, confirmed by the way in which first and second generation Irish, Italian, and Jewish citizens aligned themselves politically: namely as democrats. Were I an Hispanic citizen, I’d so “register” my reaction.

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