Thursday, June 28, 2007


    We’re offering a scoop to Fox News:  you know
the F_X news service with nothing (O) in the middle as opposed to the
(AU) gold, we modestly offer from ours, ahem.  That said, we now
reach out to inform this staunchly anti-communist guardian (or Pravda,
take your choice) of the right about a big time business man who’s
aiding the communist party and Chinese government on many levels. 
This gentleman has been effusive in his public praise of the current
Chinese communist party leaders, engaged in financial dealings with
their children, and helped them in their development of a
website.  He is now even in league with the Communist Youth League
on a fledgling television project.  What is it with such short
sighted self serving capitalists so memorably mocked by Lenin with his
declaration that a capitalist will sell you the rope you use to hang
him?  Why aren’t the murdoctored forces of Murdoch’s minions
exposing this communist enabler?  Well, there’s one reason and
that is under the you can’t make this up genre because, and you may
have guessed it, the businessman we’ve described is Rupert Murdoch
himself.  The reality of these guys is so bizarre, they’re killing

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A) We distort, you abide
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