Tuesday, June 12, 2007


This past Sunday on “Meet the Press”, former Bush cabinet member, Colin Powell, took a deep breath and exhaled a few candid ones. First, he acknowledged that if he knew the true facts about there being no WMD’s in Iraq, he would not have been able to make a case for attacking Iraq in his appearance before the U.N. He also allowed that the management of the Iraqi occupation by his former boss, Mr. Bush, had been unbelievably mismanaged and that the surge as constructed won’t work because it’s not backed up by the requisite training of Iraqi troops and the proper diplomatic steps among the warring Iraqi factions. And, Mr. Powell closed with among other thoughts that, what we should do with the Guantanamo Bay interrogation centers is close them. Right now, in fact and if people go to trial he said “So what”. It seems Colin Powell has confidence in our judicial systems as most Americans do, and it seems our Constitution, as well. Wish Mssrs. Bush and Cheney, among others, had more of Mr. Powell’s mettle of freedom in their own constitutions.

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