Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Independent candidates make great press but face even greater
odds.  Billionaires or not (actually yes, Michael Bloomberg is
worth eight billion dollars), well financed candidates have shown they
can get votes from the people (Ross Perot got 19% in 1992) but rarely
get enough for the Electoral College; Perot got zero.


We could make an argument that Mr. Bloomberg is the most capable person
holding elective office in the U.S. but, that said, he could prove to
be the most disruptive, however well intentioned.  On the positive
side, it must be noted that the mayor is currently the public enemy
Number 1 of the NRA due to his targeting the 1% of all gun dealers that
supply 60% of the guns used in crimes in the U.S.  And, gosh, we
would have hoped the NRA would have targeted criminals as the
enemy.  On the downside, there remains the open ended question . .
. if he runs, does he spoil and get us yet another “fir me or agin me”
president, you know a “uniter not a divider”?  Were that to
happen, historically the Bloomberg would sadly have come off the rose.

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