Sunday, August 24, 2008


So just how many houses do the McCains have? The first mention we recall concerning this plurality of places was in the "comic" strip Doonesbury, that's how we put the number at "eight." Several op-ed columnists have since maintained the count was "nine," while the ad put forth by the Obama campaign played it conservatively, talking about some "seven" homes owned by the ultra-rich (but not elite, correct?) couple. When asked that very question during an interview with Mr. McCain answered this way: "I think-I'll have my staff get to you...mostly condominiums...I'll have to get back to you." Their (the homes') worth is estimated at over thirteen million dollars, so they're probably not shacks. But think of it this way gang. They can alternate residences with a different one for every day of the week. Change (in venues) they do believe in.

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