Monday, August 25, 2008


Ray Coadd, I call him the death ray, is at it again-defending "McSame" as anything other than Bush III is like confusing Shiites and Sunnis. Oh wait, your candidate keeps doing that. And has he ever changed from his "I don't know much about the economy" stance, because that may be the only change he hasn't made. Arghh, he makes Mitt Romney look like Mr. Consistency. Sure Senator McCain was a hero as a POW but that didn't stop Ray S.T. Coadd (two middle initials?) from going after every Democrat Vietnam Vet who ran against the chicken hawks Bush and Cheney. Hopefully, Ray, you read Norman's "Flag Lapel" article because you no doubt wear the super size. That's the problem with you right wing low-life apologists, you make everything personal, while the Democrats, my Democrats think they can win with a man who thinks running a civil respectful campaign is ever, ever what the Republicans planned. Again, arghh.

Confrontingly Submitted Charles A. Sandras

P.S. Hope some Democrat in the debates, be it Obama or his VP choice, points out to (or regarding) Mr. McCain that in 2000 we all knew John McCain, and this current version is no John McCain.

1 comment:

jackscrow said...

I can see it now:

Dick Cheney, head of McCrazy's VP search, has emerged as the leading candidate.

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