Monday, August 4, 2008


In 2005 Ken Mehlman, who had been chairman for the RNC (and should know), addressed the NAACP with a long overdue apology conceded that his Republican party had used race as a divide and defeat device for about 40 years or so. Mr. Mehlman’s remarks were brief and by many (mostly Republicans) were apparently forgotten because they’re at it again as McCain’s people are claiming that Barack Obama is playing the: “race card”. Huh? Even the most knee jerk right wing jerks knew that calling attention to race hardly helps the Democratic cause as negative race stereotypes ( i.e. Willie Horton and much more) have produced many Republican positives, namely in the voting booths. Fear works, especially among those easily frightened and McCain has become, again, McSame in using The Republican race card, the real race card, the most dominant suit in their political deck, and on this issue they’ve never dealt from the top.

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