Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Tom Ridge (R) of Pennsylvania, a possible VP choice for John McCain, has a fascinating take on the Republican ads featuring Britney Spears and Paris Hilton attacking Barack Obama on energy policy among other issues. And that is that such an ad was necessary to "elevate" the debate on that topic. A few quick thoughts on this and the first is that researched and proved their comments on Senator Obama's so-called plan to tax electricity are simply wrong. Also worth noting is that Ms. Hilton's family has made the maximum donation allowable to the McCain campaign. That noted if this ad using the "expertise" of Ms. Spears and Ms. Hilton is to "elevate" the level of the debate, again their words, not ours, what bottom were they feeding off of before they nourished this debate? And isn't that level what John McCain has so often claimed he intended to personally stand for? Guess the "maverick" is Rove-ing off from his honorable 2000 approaches which didn't work with the Republican base, did it. Sad when a man imitates his tormentors.

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