Thursday, August 21, 2008


Yes I am a McCaniac and proud of it. His trials as a prisoner of war shows he DESERVES TO BE PRESIDENT. It's not about what we the citizens of the United States deserve. But while most, well actually all, agree he should be admired for his tenacity as a POW in the "Hanoi Hilton," much fewer seem to give him credit for the trials he has faced here. Where to start, well for one thing the McCains have the stress of owning eight homes. While we so often hear ("the whining" as still economic advisor Phil Gramm put) it of so many Americans who claim they have "struggles" managing one home, does anyone give the McCains the due sympathy for having eight times the struggle?

On the subject of struggles in the home, why should Cindy McCain be pressured to give out her financials? When did the financial interests, cronies and areas of influence of a candidate's spouse (she's worth less than 200,000,000) become a legitimate part of the presidential debate? Name one time, just one time the Republicans demanded the same of the wife of the Democratic nominee. OK aside from Teresa Kerry. Anyway, they claim that McCain is too old and enfeebled to keep going as president, are you kidding me, talk about covering ground, he's already in shape to chase Bin Ladin to the gates of hell, and the Democrats can't even find that locale on their tom tom. More to follow.

Raymond S.T. Coadd

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