Friday, February 6, 2009


This spring will mark an anniversary of sorts (which we will refer to frequently), amonng them the 24 anniversary of the best reason for Jews to show their disgust for the Republican party. No, we are not reffering to George H. W. Bush's attempt to bully Israel into submission during the Gulf war, nor are we reffering to Dubya's irrational ingnorance of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We are also putting aside John McCain's embrace of Jerry Falwell and others who said that "Jews are deficient", and also the embrace of Jews for Jesus, so embraced by Alaska's Sarah Palin.
We refer to the Sping of 1985 (following Reagan's re-election and he no longer needed Jewish votes) Reagan visit to Bitburg, Germany to visit a cemetery where almost 50 SS nazis were buried, with the expressed purpose of honoring them. Elie Wiesel begged him not to go and Reagan arrogantly remarked to John Deaver "I am not going to let the bastards tell me what to do" moments after Elie Wiesel left his office.
Reagan's excuse for going was that the SS was young. Now there was definitely no joy brought to the persecuted Jews in the concentration camps by the "youth" and “exhuberance” of these SS men.
The 25th anniversary is known as the silver and the 50th as the gold, we refer to this 24th as the “spit in your face” anniversary. This is for the right wing Jews who convince themselves that the Republicans are their friends…except when they aren’t.

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