Tuesday, March 17, 2009


One of the great Mel Brooks comedies of all times (which makes it one of the comedies of all time), is Blazing Saddles. In that classic there is an unforgettable scene when a Marshall played by actor Cleavon Little is surrounded by the unhappy townsfolk, puts his own gun to his own head and threatens to “shoot the Marshall” (himself). Jim Cramer, visibly shaken went on the Jon Stewart show and he was confronted with a video from 2006 in which he indicated not only that the markets could be unfairly manipulated but he confided that he had done so previously. He seemed shocked that this tape had been found and exposed by Jon Stewart, but with all deference to Mel Brooks this was indeed a “Blazing Saddle moment” because this video exposed Jim Cramer’s duplicity was on a website founded by Jim Cramer. So where Cleavon Little threatens himself, Jim Cramer ambushed himself…some defense, huh?

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Amanda Craine said...

He was defintely humiliated. Jon made him look like a complete sleeze. But actually, I think the market is effected every time a popular financial guru makes a stock prediction. Think about how many viewers he has. If he expresses doubt about a company and his viewers respond to that doubt, a company's stock could tank.

Anonymous said...

Cramer is a moron, no doubt. I don't think people should take stock tips from tv soothsayers any more than they should make medical decisions based on web MD.

Unknown said...

Thank you both for your posts. It looks like Cramer is ready to shoot himself based on todays market...

Bob said...

When a comedian makes more financial sense than a "financial" expert, there is something really wrong with America.

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