Monday, March 9, 2009


David Brooks (who we call “The Tower of Babble”) is at it again with his nuanced obsession about all things that he thinks relates to Democrats and liberals. The latest, we’re told by Maureen Dowd in her recent NY Times column, is Brooks obsession with Michelle Obama’s arms. Yes, he says her biceps are to cut and she should stay away from sleeveless dresses.
David, is that the focus of your economic recovery plan, worrying about how well “armed” the first lady is? Please. You didn’t complain when Arnold Schwarzenegger (who is now begging for a bit of stimulus) called the Democrats “economic girlie men”, so don’t be upset when you have a womanly woman who is first lady, likes the job and does the job, and enhances the job. Sleeveless women…what will the Democrats think of next? Would you feel better if we had that all-American (and 7 time draft deffering) hero John Ashcroft back to stop us from having marble statues with women’s breasts exposed?

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