Monday, October 12, 2009


By now everyone knows that David Letterman was the victim of an extortion plot and had a number of involvements with staffers on his show going back some years. This is obviously not ideal behaviour but some differences should be noted from many perceptions. 1. Apparently all the affairs were consensual. 2. It was Letterman that broke them off as the young ladies wanted to keep things going. 3. All these affairs took place before he was married. Perhaps it hurt his wife to know about this and we cannot presume to judge their relationship during these other relationships but its worth noting that under the letter(man) of the law hes done nothing illegal or felonious. Annoying, fascinating, being literally a car wreck of a scene, but not illegal.

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1 comment:

Driving Licence Online said...

I thought Letterman had those affairs while he was married. It's hard to get real facts nowadays with news channels focusing on entertainment rather than facts.

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