Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Last year on Christmas, Suzzane Maiolo attempted to approach the Pope on his way to midnight mass (we assume to receive the blessing) and security prevented her from reaching him. This year, same lady and same Pope and same time of year, she was actually able to knock him over. Interestingly, now is not only the height of the Christmas season, it is also the height of the football season. So next year, when she undoubtedly will come for him again, we suggest that he practice the "leg whip" to avoid the oncoming rush and to protect him from potential Pope plops.

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1 comment:

Benjav said...

Where do these people get their training? Perhaps we could come up with a "room of requirements" for this group. People could practice putting their weight into knocking people over, and learn how to throw a pair of shoes across a room and hit their frigging target.

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