Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Michael Nutter, the mayor of Philadelphia has engineered a gun law with which we at the Faux don't agree. The law (one of 5 actually) which gets our attention prohibits Philadelphians from buying more than one hand gun per month. Mr. Nutter explained on the Colbert Report that he just doesn't like people getting shot. He goes on to say its a matter of individual rights, that "everyone has the right not to be shot".
As we previously (and in fact for years) have maintained BF (Before Faux) and since, we feel that everyone should be allowed to legally buy all the guns they want and at one time if they so choose, as long as they adhere to two crucial principles. One is that they will agree to make sure that only liberals or their family members will be the victims of stray bullets or spontaneous homicides which may originate from any of their weapons and two, that no one will be allowed to own in total more guns than they have teeth. And that Fauxvians is how not to gum up the works while your gunning them up, which as my learned reportorial friend Janet suggested is so often followed by the gunning downs.

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