Tuesday, April 8, 2008


47-46 was (in a sense) the score of both Women’s Final Four Semi’s this past Sunday. Those numbers were in fact the final score of the Tennessee – LSU game with Tennessee triumphant, but that same tally was pivotal to the final run of a UConn team which overcame grievous injuries to two starters, Kalena Green and Mel Thomas, and tried to do the undoable in an NCAA National, ride a freshman’s wings to victory. The freshmen, Maya Moore led the team in points, rebounds and steals but after Charde Houston’s drive cut the Husky deficit to 46-47, the Stanford Cardinal, led by their special player of the year Candice Wiggins, felt the power of three and hit 4 of 5 trey tries in the next few minutes to insure their place in the championship game. I was privileged to talk to Maya Moore later Sunday evening; she is a poised gracious lady who made no excuses and none were needed. She has three more years as a Husky and I’ll predict on the Faux what I did to her: “Ms Moore, you’ll be back, you’ll be back, you’ll be back. She is one of a group of special "student athlete", her grade average is in fact a 3.86 who are classy enough to politely and willingly talk with and appreciate their fans. And this, she did even after experiencing a heart wrenching defeat. Height-wise and charachter-wise the Lady Huskies are women we can look up to.

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