Monday, April 14, 2008


The phrase breathing free does not come to mind when one thinks of China. “Free” doesn’t seem to fit because where China is concerned, many humans aren’t, including Tibetans and other Chinese, and the “breathe” part can be challenging too, if the fog pictured in so many scenes of China these days is to be believed as opposed to breathed, and we do believe those pictures. So on with the “Free Tibet” signs which we at the Faux hope results in more than just liberating people from lead filled toys. But the attempts by protesters to douse the Olympic torch bring to mind some pretty interesting 20th Century history that is unfortunately often forgotten and on point, Speaker Peloli’s thoughts that we should consider not attending the opening ceremony are really worth considering, for several reasons. First, the touring of the torch; according to what Jon Stewart says (which means that it’s so), that was started by Adolph Hitler, and to follow in Mr. Stewart’s words “how dare they besmirch the legacy of Adolph Hitler”. Indeed. Second, in the 1936 Munich Olympics, there was discussion of whether the American contingent should bow our flag, as did many others when they passed Hitler’s reviewing stand. We did not and so bragged. But, and there is a “but”, when our Olympic delegation led by one Avery Brundage, a man who philosophically leaned so far to the right he could well have fallen off Hitler’s stage was told okay, you did that flag bit but ….no Jews including yours will be allowed to compete, to which in effect he retorted: oh, okay. Thus the US team which had held its flag so high took the low road and just like that Jewish track stars Marty Glickman and Sam Stoller were robbed of their moment.
Maybe it would help to think of it this way, the Germans were not “Soup Nazi’s”, you remember from Seinfeld, “No soup for you”. No, they were Nazi Nazi’s, who said “No Jews for you” and then we, the proud United States of America betrayed two of our own.
Marty Glickman and Sam Stoller were by all accounts fine gentlemen who passed away, their Olympic chance forever denied. If it should be necessary this time, 72 years later, for our honor and that of others wishing to be free to skip the opening ceremonies in Beijing, we at the Faux feel certain Mssrs. Glickman and Stroller would agree that this time around at last, our honor took a victory lap, finally.

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