Wednesday, April 30, 2008


That's it, left wing democrats; we have had enough with out of control ministers. Go ahead and justify the following remarks and the venom they spill. And never mind the caveats that Jeremiah Wright's remarks were based in 2001 - we've got more stuff from that era and more recent as well. Consider this one (in condemnation of the Catholic Church); "when Adolf Hitler came to power he said I'm not going to do anything in my lifetime that hasn't been done by the Roman Church the past 800 years". Okay, and then there's this (regarding Muslims in America); "this survey revealed that while American Muslims live in America, 82% are not loyal to America". More recently there came this explanation (Sept 18, 2006) of the devastation of Hurricane Katrina; "I believe that New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to G-d". Enough Reverend Wright, Enough.
Ragingly and righteously submitted.

P.S. Ahem, uh well, it turns out all the above quotes were actually made by ardent John McCain supporter Pastor John Hagee, but don't worry my right winged angels (that does make us fly in circles huh) while they (the quotes) are on video, John Stewart who aired them (and his audience) are sworn to secrecy. Besides Senator McCain when confronted with such statements said none the less "I'm glad to have his endorsement" but he smiled that warm and frozen smile of his, so it's alright, right? So take that selective listeners on the left. How about Michelle Obama's senior thesis in her college years. that's got to be more relevant.

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