Thursday, April 17, 2008


Barack Obama is being asked to explain his remarks about small town America and we’ll know in a week how this plays in PA. Will he lose the culture wars for being too elite, well let’s consider what Ronald Reagan called the “stubbornness of numbers”, because to be not all that super elite, it may also help you considerably if you’re not all that super rich either. Consider, Fauxvians, the Clintons made 109 million dollars as a "non-elite" couple in the last 10 years, before taxes, of course. But the even “non-eliter” John McCain who chose to be the candidate of change marriage wise (and portfolio wise) when he married the very, very rich Cindy McCain approximately two years after his release as a POW from Vietnam and their worth as a couple (due to her families brewery interests) is well over 100 million dollars. Are these guys going to debate just who is the most "just plain" 9 figures worth folks?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it's a perverse sense of progress, but I'm sure there are many African-Americans who might never have heard themselves described as "elitest!"

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