Thursday, April 10, 2008


Whenever we at the Faux think of Bill Kristol, it’s not a desire but a political alas, and we are reminded of Jim Morrison (of The Doors) and Jon Stewart of The Daily Show. With regards to The Doors, one of whose first great hits “The Crystal Ship”, the relevant line is “the crystal ship is being filled, a thousand girls, a thousand thrills”. And our version is “The Kristol shtick is being billed, a thousand spins, a thousand shills”, and then there is Jon Stewart’s remark “Oh, Bill Kristol, are you ever right?” Given that Mr. Kristol has out Cheneyed Cheney as to his optimism on Iraq and other Bushian politics of the day, probably not, or at least previously, but now . . . he just may be.
His recent op-ed in the NY Times makes frightening sense to us and that’s scary, right there. First, Mr. Kristol points out that many Republicans believe Barack Obama will be the next President of the United States and, that a substantial number of Democrats believe the same about Senator John McCain. With apologies to Tom Brokaw the author of “Boom”, both political parties are still dominated by boom and doom politics, but if Mr. Obama wins the election, the country may no longer have to be.

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